Monday, February 22, 2010


Second World War has ended around fifty years, nevertheless, the Holocaust, which was created by Nazi, always has far-reaching influence on development of our world. Maybe we have learnt about that history from text books, but it is not enough. We need to seek more information from other books, internet and so on to remember that rugged period, and create power from learning for avioding wars and pushing our world forward.
Reasons of kill Jew of Adolf Hitler are, first of all, from history. Because of invasion of Roman, ancestors of Jew had to move to Europe. However, Europe is not heaven during that time. Feudal lords, who have a large number of lands, always discriminated them and, given Jew a lot of limitation on buy land or rent, Jew can just engage in trade as their wish. Maybe that is one of reasons of the talents of Jew on business. It looks better; nonetheless, it is beginning of another catastrophe. Since 13th, Europe was becoming capitalism society, conflicts between Jew and native escalated in all the time. Unfortunately, because of conflicts on interest and religion, Jew was drifted again; that is not the end: seed of enmity has been planted.
The second reason, maybe is real reason of killing Jew, is economic crisis, which happened on beginning of 20th. Because of that, German industry retrogressed seriously. By the time, Hitler has became German premier. He was crazy and he thought Jew is the biggest barrier on the road of getting hegemony because of their are rich and high quality.
Wars always take place. However, kill somebody with maltreatment is rare. As developing of globelazition, although there is a few of wars on our world, peaceful eviornment is mainstay atomspher. We live in a peaceful country, and we always forget situations of war. We should keep that thinking in mind: our wonderful living evoirnment is given by the people who has suffered pain before us and the people who always struggle for peace and democracy.
What I have learnt from Holocaust is that whoever attempt to have interference in each other’s internal affairs, always will be given sanctions by justice; whoever attempt to violate a country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, always will be given sanctions by justice; whoever attempt to break our peaceful and harmonious enviornment, always will be given sanctions by justice.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I play a Chinese traditional reed pipe. It is really funny. Enjoying Chinese culture is one aspect, something else is that playing can make me relaxed. Skill of playing it is very hard to learn ‘cause it not only very heavy but also it needs your fingers move quickly.

American dream

the so-called American Dream , is a belief that as long as the United States after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life, that is, people have to work through their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination to move towards Prosperity, rather than rely on specific social classes and other assistance. This is usually on behalf of the people in the economic success or entrepreneurial spirit. Many European immigrants hold the American dream of the ideal of the United States. Despite some criticism of the American dream of excessive emphasis on material wealth and happiness in the measure of victory on the role, but many Americans really believe that the success of such an opportunity in the world is not found in other countries does not exist. Because the majority of other countries, in the United States has considerable economic freedom, the role of government is limited, making the U.S. a great social mobility, a person may have through their own efforts towards the peak. Independence from the United States until the end of the 19th century, large areas of land are uninhabited and have no people can be occupied and investment and land reclamation. By the time the Industrial Revolution, the United States huge natural resources and advanced industrial technology is making rapid social mobility may change, and this trend is still increasing day by day.